A Sustainable Alternative
We grow produce indoors, using hydroponic and aeroponic techniques, as an alternative to traditional agriculture. This enables us to circumvent and mitigate some of agriculture’s leading afflictions – poor weather, pests and diseases, weeds, soil contamination and degradation, seasonal harvests, logistics and storage costs, and distance and time to consumers.
Indoor Farming
We grow plants in nutritious water, without soil, in a controlled indoor environment to create an ideal habitat for our crops. Our plants’ environment – light, dark, temperature, water, humidity, wind, and nutrients are all monitored and adapted for our plants through their journey from seed to harvest. Crops are raised vertically off the ground, taking advantage of the flexible nature of hydroponics, to efficiently use limited space, keep crops clean, and make tending crops physically easier. These techniques enable us to farm a lot of plants in a small area allowing us to grow right in the heart of the community we feed.
Located in Grays Ferry, on Penn’s innovation campus, Pennovation, we bring just-harvested produce immediately and directly to consumers and the community.
We envision the future of urban agribusiness as a decentralized, collaborative network of small farms supplying their immediate neighborhoods – connecting consumers with good food and the farm where their food is grown.
Pennovation Farm
Our farm began with a retrofitted garage. After some demolition, concrete work and painting, we outfitted our space with hydroponic systems of our own design. Working closely with chefs, we fine tuned our production and began selling microgreens. With each iteration of crop cycle, we continue to gather feedback and gain experience in order improve our products.
Philadelphia is a healthy, vibrant city for foodies, and we are planning to scale up to better supply our community.